Traffic and Safety Group

The Dutton Park State School P&C has formed a Traffic and Safety Group to raise awareness of parking, traffic and safety issues that affect the school community and advocate for solutions to those issues.

Parking Violations

Changes to the Cross River Rail project are having a substantial negative impact on the state of the school carpark. The school community is doing what we can to ensure incoming contractors really understand the negative impacts they have been having on safe and equitable school access.

The P&C is organising a violations list to pass on to both council and the CRR itself. You can add your part here: Parking Violation Report. Photos help if you have time to get them, and if you can get CONTRACTOR LOGOS that’s our best option. CRR doesn’t keep a register of contractor numberplates so those are less useful.
Please also report directly to council if vehicles are illegally parked, including in the disability bays without a permit:
Call Brisbane City Council on 073403888
Address: 12A Patricia Mather Place, Dutton Park
Reporting – parking longer than permitted in a school zone
Hours: 7am – 9am & 2pm – 4pm.

Traffic and Safety Issues Register

Here is a register of issues that have been identified by the group, and some potential solutions: Issues Register

Incident Report Form

Here is a form for reporting a safety issue or traffic incident, to help the school community identify problems and request improvements: Incident Report